Which Electric Kettle is Better: Glass or Stainless Steel?

There are two main choices you have when choosing which electric kettle to get. Which one will be best for you depends on how much you use your kettle, and the number of persons in your household who use it. If you only boil water for yourself and your family once or twice a week, then you may want to go with a glass electric kettle. This type does not use any type of coils inside of it to heat the water. The water comes right from the boiler to the pot, and the heating element just keeps on heating it until it reaches the proper temperature. There are some disadvantages to using an electric kettle without a coil. You will notice that the glass vessels are more prone to spillage than those with a coil. It may take longer to boil water from the glass vessels than it does from the stainless steel ones, and it does not give the same amount of heat distribution as a glass vessel would. However, many prefer the heat distribution of a glass vessel to that of a stainless steel one. If you are...