Selecting The Best Rice Cooker Under 2000 Rupees

So you want to buy a new rice cooker? It's a tough choice - with so many options available, how do you decide which one is best? The rice cooker is a great way to save time. They are easy to use and have so many features, most of them double up as serving bowls. The biggest advantage of these appliances is their versatility - you can use them for different kinds of rice, not just brown rice. But what are the criteria you should look for in a rice cooker?

The best rice cookers are made in China, Japan and other Asian countries. Their quality is high. They use durable materials and high-tech heating systems. And most of them come with a five-year warranty. But here are some other guidelines that could help you decide which of the many appliances in the market are best.

First, you need to consider the capacity of the cooker. Some of the rice cookers have a capacity of up to 4 litres. The others have a capacity of around eight litres. So, think carefully before buying a four-litre rice cooker. If you're cooking for two people, the smaller capacity will be sufficient. If you want to cook food that can feed a crowd, then go for a bigger capacity.

Also Read: Is Cheap Rice Cooker Good?

Secondly, take a look at the specifications. The power consumption must be included in the list of features along with the temperature controls, the number of lanes, the number of settings and the heat distribution. Other aspects to note are the valve types, the capacity and the warranty. In short, you can compare the cooker you like best with the one which has the best five-year warranty.

Some of the best rice cookers have a self-cleaning mechanism. Other models have an external button which controls the self-cleaning function. For example, if you're using a metallic rice pan with an aluminium cooking pan, the self-cleaning mechanism will only work when the metal pan is placed over a hot element. Therefore, it's best to check on the manual to find out how the cooker works.

The next criterion is the capacity. The higher the wattage, the better your rice will be cooked in. Rice cookers with a capacity of up to eight thousand watts are highly recommended by experts. So, apart from the size and the capacity, you should also check out whether the cooker has an aluminium body or not. In fact, apart from the body, some of the best rice cooker under 2000 rupees have a glass front panel as well.

It's important to know whether the electric rice cooker you are planning to buy uses electricity or natural gas. Although both are available in the market, most people prefer to use natural gas cooker because of its efficiency. On the other hand, electricity is highly efficient and the heating element can make the rice cook faster. The best part about using electricity for cooking rice is that you don't have to worry about the cost since electricity is readily available from your utility company.

The rice cooker that you purchase must have a close fit lid and sturdy base. It is easy to assemble and set up once you have purchased the cooker. All you have to do is place the steamer at the bottom of the cooker, turn the power on and adjust the settings. You can then start cooking and enjoy your homemade meal in no time. A rice cooker that offers a tight fit lid and a durable base is highly recommended.

The rice cookers available in the market that use the high capacity Bajaj electric motor are more popular compared to the other kinds of rice cookers. The best rice cookers with the highest BTUs are those manufactured by the famous Bajaj manufacturer. The best electric rice cookers manufactured by Bajaj are known to produce enough warm cups of rice in just 15 minutes. Furthermore, the rice cookers produced by Bajaj come with a sensor that enables the cooker to automatically switch on and off based on the availability of electricity.

Another essential feature that you should look for in an electric rice cooker is an integrated automatic steamer. An automatic steamer features a stainless steel bowl and a cover with an opaque window that prevents steam from escaping and preventing the food from getting overcooked. The best models of electric rice cookers with preset programs enable the user to set the program according to the type of rice that is being cooked.

The best electric rice cooker of all time, the Bajaj Branded Rice Cooker is made with a durable body and with a non-stick inner pot. It is also very easy to use as it has a large control panel that makes it very convenient to use. Other great features of this cooker include a large capacity non-stick Inner Tar plate, the ability to add raisins and dried fruits to the cooking mix, and the ability to cook the food in three different ways - via the top, the side or the bottom. The best electric rice cooker of all times should be very reliable and should have a long warranty from the manufacturing company.


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